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Italy Scavenger Hunt 4

Italy Scavenger Hunt 4

Q HUM 120 – Cultural Studies Virtual Study Abroad Italy – Unit 4: Scavenger Hunt Quest Scene & Location W/I Time Stamp Discovery 1. This building was once known as the Palazzo dei Priori, and this is the famous late Medieval architect who designed it. 2. This is the most famous of Italian poets, and this is his greatest contribution to Italy. 3. This is the proper name for the Medieval church known as the Duomo, and the exterior statuary currently visible was added it this time. 4. This is when the Duomo was completed, and this is the architect responsible for the crowning final element. 5. These are artists who produced the 3 gates of the baptistry, with the locations and dates. 6. This contains the tombs of such important Renaissance figures as Michelangelo, Machiavelli, and Galileo. 7. This person founded the original city of Siena yet legend attributed the founding to these mythical individuals. 8. This is the oldest still functioning bank in the world. 9. This is considered the “Sistine Chapel of the Middle Ages” and was painted by this great artist. 10. These 2 men spurred the birth of Renaissance intellectualism with the creation of the 1st course in Ancient Greek opening up the west to long lost Greek philosophical works. 11. He became the 1st Renaissance artist to use mathematics to develop linear perspective composition. 12. He imported the Renaissance to Rome, and was the first humanist pope. 13. This is a rare example of an “acheiropoieta/acheropita”, and this is where it resides. 14. This Roman aqueduct was restored by Pope Nicholas V in the 15th century, and this is the later fountain (1700s) it feeds. 15. This Byzantine scholar met with Pope Eugene IV in an attempt to reunify the eastern and western churches, and call for a crusade to save Constantinople from the Turks around 1453, stayed in Rome and help spawn the Renaissance. 16. This is the man who created the 1st equestrian statue since ancient Roman times, and this is the figure represented. 17. This was the leader of the Republic of Venice, and the title derived from this Latin word. 18. This member of the Vespucci family inspired Botticelli’s most famous paintings (and name one). This is the church where both are buried. 19. He discovered Michelangelo and recognizing his genius moved him into his own house as his patron. 20. He was a humanist Pope who created the famous Vatican Library – Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, and this famous chapel is named after him.

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1. This building was once known as the Palazzo dei Priori, and this is the famous late Medieval architect who designed it. Renaissance 1 Scene 1, Video "Palazzo Vecchio" 0:05 Palazzo Vecchio; designed by Arnolfo di Cambio 2. This is the most famous of Italian poets, and this is his greatest contribution to Italy. Renaissance 1 Scene 3, Video “Dante” 0:10 Dante Alighieri; Italian language 3. This is the proper name for the Medieval church known as the Duomo, and the exterior statuary currently visible was added it this time. Renaissance 1 Scene 5, 360° Video “Duomo” 0:50; 3:20 The church of Santa Maria del Fiore; 19th century 4. This is when the Duomo was completed, and this is the architect responsible for the crowning final element. Renaissance 1 Scene 5, 360° Video "Duomo" 7:25 1400s; Brunelleschi 5. These are artists who produced the 3 gates of the baptistry, with the locations and dates. Renaissance 1 Scene 6, 360° Video “Baptistery” 0:20 2:20 4:40 Andrea Pisano - South Gate - 1336 Lorenzo Ghiberti - North Gate - 1401 Lorenzo Ghiberti - East Gate - 1420s